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Computer Associates

CA website screenshotIT giant Computer Associates commissioned Anderson Baillie to create a campaign and website to support its SMB security and business continuity products.

The Business Protection website was born out of Anderson Baillie’s input on how small businesses tend to embrace new technology. After conducting an online IT security survey, Anderson Baillie discovered that small business owners (SMB) tend to react only after experiencing a business hiccup or failure. This contrasts with the way corporates plan strategically in case of an event and how IT vendors would prefer customers to procure products. Overall the SMB only reacts in times of technology adversity and then looks for solutions supported by references from trusted sources.

Anderson Baillie’s Computer Associates website was designed and built with the behaviour of the small business in mind. Utilising online tools and self assessment, the website was able to effectively communicate the benefits of Business Protection and act as a successful campaign for Computer Associates.


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